Still running for the cheese (or why this blog still exists)

As my regular readers can tell, this has been a dry year for me. Just look at the number of posts this year vs. 2008! Awhile back, I had considered either shutting down the Maze, or starting a new blog that would more accurately reflect where I am in life now. Truth be told, sometimes I come here, look around, and feel distinctly hypocrytical about the things I want to write. I'm sure I'm not the only one to ever be in that kind of place.
As the time in between posts has grown longer, I came to realize something. Without the past years' material, where I am now makes very little sense. What good is the destination without the journey? As Christians, so much of the best stuff that happens to us is in the times God is molding us to His image. To throw away the evidence of that process would somehow cheapen the result, I think.
So, here we are, dear friends. I think my little mousie may just have rounded a corner finally. Some things will change around here to reflect the changes in my heart. And you know what? That's ok. As much as I typically rage against anything changed in my life, I'm learning to accept the God-given ones. My prayer is that some of you may be encouraged by what you read here. Hey, you may even be challenged. And of course, if you know me, then you know you always stand a good chance of being offended too. Not intentionally, to be sure! Just know that what you find as you wander this Maze with me may surprise you as much as it does me.

All that to say this:

Welcome to

Friday, April 8, 2011

Food is love. Part 2

1st, I want to thank you all for your prayers and words of encouragement. These last 2 weeks have been quite stressful, and knowing friends were lifting us to the Lord made all the difference. Ladybug had her weight recheck this morning. According to both our pediatrician and all I could find online/in books, a breastfed baby of Ladybug's age should be gaining 1/2 ounce a day. Some quick math told me that she would have had to be 9 lbs. 11 oz. to be on track for weight gain. I was a complete wreck this morning, my stomach in knots. We got the boys off to school, and tried to get on with our morning. Mr. P. fed the baby some mashed up banana mixed with my milk while I got a shower. I have to admit, it was nice to take a hot shower without a screaming baby in the background. For some reason, she always gets hungry as soon as I step under the spray. We got to the doctor's office a little late (par for the course for our family) and the nurse shepherded us into one of the exam rooms. After asking us what we've been doing for her weight issues, she had us strip Ladybug down and pop her on the scale. The moment of truth had arrived. I thought I'd puke. Our sweet baby girl weighed in at... ...9 lbs. 12 oz.!! Mr. P. and I fist bumped. The doctor said to just keep up with what we've been doing for her. And with that oh so sage advice, we left. I feel as though a literal weight has been lifted from my shoulders. It's been many years since I've been that scared and stressed out. I'd forgotten just how horrible it is to feel like the fate of your family rests on 1 little choice that could go wrong in a heartbeat. I'm glad that's over with. Again, thank you so much for your love and support. Ladybug thanks you too. Til next squeak,

10 Squeaks from the Maze:

gidget.e said...

I'm so happy everything went well, Brenna. I know we talked about all this already but i forgot to tell you about something. I had the opposite problem with Oliver. He was a big ol' chunker. There was a WIC nurse that told me I had to put him on a diet (he was less than a month old) because he was entirely too large. She threatened me if I didn't get him to an acceptable weight. Girl, it was horrible. So, in a weird way, I feel ya. I'm glad little missy is enjoying her food. :)

love ya!

Vallere said...

Brenna, you are doing such a fabulous job! I'm so happy for you guys!

Jenn said...

I am still SO excited for you about this!!! :) That is just AWESOME. You're doing a great job, mama!!! :)

(BTW, I have awarded you a blog award! Check out my post and claim it!!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us updated! I have been praying hard for you guys!

Samantha said...

So glad she gained the way she needed to!

Michelle said...

Glad she is gaining, as a mama of small kiddos I know how stressful "weight checks" are. (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

I'm praying she continues on the up and up! And I can't tell you how relieved I was for you guys when I read your post-appointment update.

melanie said...

Woohoo~!! Praying she keeps loving the solids and keeps growing well! :)

Laurie said...

:D That is a big huge (cheesey) grin if you can't tell. I'm so pleased you passed the "test" and can sleep a little easier now.

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