I'm not ashamed. I am totally in love with another man. I heart Norman Gentle!
There is just no way you can't love this guy. Srsly. If nothing else, he has certainly put a smile on my face these last few weeks. I've always said my state (CT) produces a certain kinda strange. Thanks for proving my theory Nick!
As a side note, did you guys see just how ticked off his dad looks at first? Yowsa. Now that's great. Makes ya wonder about those behind the scenes convos.
Til next squeak,
Still running for the cheese (or why this blog still exists)
As the time in between posts has grown longer, I came to realize something. Without the past years' material, where I am now makes very little sense. What good is the destination without the journey? As Christians, so much of the best stuff that happens to us is in the times God is molding us to His image. To throw away the evidence of that process would somehow cheapen the result, I think.
So, here we are, dear friends. I think my little mousie may just have rounded a corner finally. Some things will change around here to reflect the changes in my heart. And you know what? That's ok. As much as I typically rage against anything changed in my life, I'm learning to accept the God-given ones. My prayer is that some of you may be encouraged by what you read here. Hey, you may even be challenged. And of course, if you know me, then you know you always stand a good chance of being offended too. Not intentionally, to be sure! Just know that what you find as you wander this Maze with me may surprise you as much as it does me.
All that to say this:
Welcome to
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I heart Norman Gentle!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Touch, touch, touch, feeeeel!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Well, that was quicker than expected.
Well, that was quick. I'm done with the basic outline of the board.
Here we go.
Go check it out if you're interested. See ya there.
Til next squeak,
Oh baby, it's on!
So I've decided to do it. Yup, I'll be starting my own message board/forum for Christian mothers.
God, what am I thinking?!
I've gotten a tremendous amount of positive feedback from friends, and I think it has the potential to be something wonderful. Right now, I'm feeling somewhat overwhelmed with all that needs to be thought of when designing your own place. I'm hoping to have it up and running within the week.
So, stay tuned for the addy! I'm hoping that many of you will be able to join us. It should certainly prove to be interesting, if nothing else.
Til next squeak,
Friday, February 6, 2009
Now where'd that ball gag come from?!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Monday Meme
It's been ages since I've consistently done Cat's meme (truthfully, it's been ages since I've done much of anything consistently) and it's time to get off my bloggy butt and back in the game.

Sunday, February 1, 2009
If you don't have anything nice to say...
Then don't say anything at all. Remember, 'tis my Maze, and I decide what comments go through or not.
Now, that said, I got some wonderful news this week. Mr. P. informed me that my SIL is getting married!
Here's the happy couple:
SIL popped the question, and K accepted. We're thrilled to have her as part of our family.
It's funny to think of being young and in love again. Mr. P. and I were the same age when we got engaged, and it seems a lifetime ago. Yowsa, we're old.
Anyway, I wanted to share the happy news. Weddings are always a joyous time, and I know this one will be no different.
Til next squeak,